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Welcome to The Dog Ate My Bookshop website.

Hello there meatspace denizens. (It would have been too easy to just say people or folks but we put our own spin on words in here.) The DAMB is an online book publishing company based around local authors who want independent publishing or to self publish their own works. We are a fledgling organisation so stick with us as we evolve and grow with you and our authors.

The titles that we will be supporting will be available in a number of different options. Many of our titles will be released to the global market in either print or via an online ePub format. Some titles will be free to read and available as electronic downloads or to read online. All our titles are from independent authors and the DAMB does not take a profit from the sale of the books by these authors and small publishers who show their books here.

Since we both support local independent publishing, self publishing and publishing freedoms we do not collect money directly from book sales or royalties, though if a book uses a DAMB ISBN there are more specific rules that may affect sales, profit and control (in other words, legal stuff that comes with ISBN).

However, most of our authors collect their own funds either by donation or by sales and we wish them good luck. Our aim is to survive from our own books, donations, good will and association. We want authors to succeed 

If this project grows we might seek funding to keep this initiative alive, at this time, we don’t need to, so we don’t. We encourage you to purchase, donate or invest in the authors here in the manner they request on their book pages.

If you have any suggestions for us to improve then hit the blog page where we have allowed you to comment or send us an email. Enjoy.